120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Life Quotes and Sayings, Life Inspirational Quotes, Best Life Quotes, Short Life Motivational Inspirational Quotes, Life-Changing Quotes, Inspiring Life Quotes

Life Quotes and Sayings

Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.

-Corita Kent

Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly.


By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist, we create it.

-Nikos Kazantzakis

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Either you run the day, or the day runs you.

-Jim Rohn

I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act, but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.


We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.

-Marie Curie

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Self-complacency is fatal to progress.

-Margaret Sangster

Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself. And it will leave you unfulfilled.

-Barack Obama

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

-Chinese Proverb

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

He that is giddy thinks the world turns round.

-William Shakespeare

To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person.

-Bruce Lee

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

-Abraham Lincoln

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

A jug fills drop by drop.


He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.


Do not be too timid and squeamish about your reactions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

-Ralph Emerson

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

There are things so deep and complex that only intuition can reach it in our stage of development as human beings.

-John Astin

Listen to your intuition. It will tell you everything you need to know.

-Anthony D'Angelo

The undertaking of a new action brings new strength.

-Richard Evans

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal awareness or Pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.


Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available.

-Jim Beggs

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

-William Shakespeare

Having nothing, nothing can he lose.

-William Shakespeare

You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day.

-Marian Edelman

Know that although in the eternal scheme of things you are small, you are also unique and irreplaceable, as are all your fellow humans everywhere in the world.

-Margaret Laurence

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

You can't create in a vacuum. Life gives you the material and dreams can propel new beginnings.

-Byron Pulsifer

Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it.

-Wayne Dyer

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

-Albert Einstein

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I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.

-Lucille Ball

We know from science that nothing in the universe exists as an isolated or independent entity.

-Margaret Wheatley

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What is new in the world? Nothing. What is old in the world? Nothing. Everything has always been and will always be.

-Sai Baba

To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves, there lies the great, singular power of self-respect.

-Joan Didion

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.

-Denis Waitley

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.


Just trust yourself, then you will know how to live.


Don't smother each other. No one can grow in the shade.

-Leo F. Buscaglia

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment.

-Elbert Hubbard

Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength.

-Frances de Sales

Joy is the best makeup.

-Anne Lamott

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Don't think of it as a failure. Think of it as time-released success.

-Robert Orben

Do what you can. Want what you have. Be who you are.

-Forrest Church

The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.

-Thich Nhat Hanh

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.

-Leonardo da Vinci

Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.

-W. Clement Stone

Conflict is the gadfly of thought. It stirs us to observation and memory. It instigates to invention. It shocks us out of sheeplike passivity and sets us at noting and contriving.

-John Dewey

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A rolling stone gathers no moss.

-Publilius Syrus

Whoso loves, believes the impossible.

-Elizabeth Browning

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.

-Andy Rooney

He who angers you conquers you.

-Elizabeth Kenny

Hope arouses, as nothing else can arouse, a passion for the possible.

-William Sloane Coffin

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter. Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

-Thomas Edison

It is difficult to achieve a spirit of genuine cooperation as long as people remain indifferent to the feelings and happiness of others.

-Dalai Lama

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Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.

-Booker Washington

Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing.

-John Holmes

It takes both sunshine and rain to make a rainbow.

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dream, and endeavours to live the life which he had imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

-Henry David Thoreau

On every thorn, delightful wisdom grows, In every rill, a sweet instruction flows.

-Edward Young

If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.


Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak. Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer.

-Albert Camus

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Believe deep down in your heart that you're destined to do great things.

-Joe Paterno

A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.

Chaos and Order are not enemies, only opposites.

-Richard Garriott

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily.

-Zig Ziglar

We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.

-Mother Teresa

The truest greatness lies in being kind, the truest wisdom in a happy mind.

-Ella Wilcox

The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.


Our distrust is very expensive.

-Ralph Emerson

Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures.

-Henry Ward Beecher

Knowledge rests not upon truth alone, but upon error also.

-Carl Jung

He who deliberates fully before taking a step will spend his entire life on one leg.

-Chinese proverb

The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same.

-Carlos Castaneda

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By nature man hates change; seldom will he quit his old home till it has actually fallen around his ears.

-Thomas Carlyle

Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality.

-Alfred Painter

You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you.

-Eckhart Tolle

Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do; give it to what you do or fail to do.


We are all inclined to judge ourselves by our ideals; others, by their acts.

-Harold Nicolson

No is easier to do. Yes is easier to say.

-Jason Fried

You give before you get.

-Napoleon Hill

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Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

-Denis Waitley

No man is free who is not master of himself.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

-Lao Tzu

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.


Learning is finding out what you already know.

-Richard Bach

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Stay strong. Make them wonder how you're still fighting.

Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family.

Love is caring for each other even when you are angry.

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

120 Life Quotes and Sayings

Look in the mirror. That's your competition.

A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there.

99% of the battle is getting yourself in the right state of mind.

Beware, because the wolf on the top of the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill.

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